Quarter Turn - DA-4600 Line

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DA-4600 Product Picture

Technical Information:

Material, all components: Acetal Copolymer Resin

Material Burning Rating Code: UL 94 HB ASTM E-162

Flame Spread Index: 130

Ultimate tensile strength: 180 lb

Locked service tension (min.): 13 lb

Locking stop strength: 15 in-lb

Wear resistance: 5000+ cycles

Temperature resistance:
High: 194° F (90° C) (248° F (120° C) intermittent)
Low: -40° F (-40° C)

Note: Custom colors and head styles are possible on special orders.

Selection Procedure

  • Select a head style.
  • Select a retainer.
    Retainers captivate a stud to a panel and, unless they are absorbed into the panel or support, add thickness to the Total Material Thickness. A special self-retaining hole is possible if your material is a ductile plastic
  • Determine the receptacle size and stud grip length.
    The stud grip length or G depends on the type of receptacle chosen and the thickness of your materials. Use the tables provided with each receptacle to determine the proper receptacle size and stud length needed for your application. Standard stud lengths range from 0.45"  to 1.00" (11.43 to 25.40 mm).
Panel Thickness
The thickness of the material that contains the stud.
Support Thickness
The thickness of the material where the receptacle will be mounted.
Gap Thickness
The thickness of anything that will prevent the panel from coming in direct contact with the support. This will possible include rivet head thickness and / or stud retainer thickness

Self Ejecting Feature

Note: The Self Ejecting Cup adds .090" (2.29 mm) to the Total Material Thickness or Panel Gap Thickness. A minimum panel thickness of .040" (1.02 mm) is required for the Self Ejecting Feature.

Note: For the Self-Ejecting feature, specify "SE" between the stud "G" Dimension and the color. For example: a 4604-50-BK would become 4604-50-SE-BK.

Cup: Black acetal resin
Spring: Stainless Steel

Self Ejecting Cup Picture
Self Ejecting Cup Dimension Drawing