Quarter Turn - PA-3500 Line

Manufactured in
the United States of America!
Captive quarter-turn stud assemblies with multiple hole
receptacle rails.
- Type 3506-SC stud
assemblies consist of a stud and coil spring captive in a steel
cup. The assemblies are installed by flaring the end of the cup
neck into a countersunk panel hole. Stud locking action
compresses the spring, exerting a clamping force on the fastened
parts. In locking, the stud spiral cam engages a rigid wire which
is offered by the receptacle. MIL-F-25173A* approved.
- Type 3522-S stud
assemblies provide a nearly solid lock without allowing the sheet
separation that occurs with 3506-SC assemblies while under
tensile overload sufficient to overcome the expansion force of
their springs. With 3522-S assemblies, the stud cam first
quarter-turns onto the receptacle wire under spring tension
supplied by a curved washer. Further locking rotation then starts
to turn the cammed fastener head around a stud cross-pin. The
head is moved downward as it turns, compressing a coil spring
which is stronger than the curved washer, and finally compressing
the curved washer flat. At the fully-locked position, the assembly
has no remaining spring movement achievable by tensile overload.
3522-S assemblies are not MIL-F-25173A approved.
CAUTION: Any external factor that prevents the stud from
turning with initial locking torque could allow the fastener head
to rotate first. This could convey an erroneous impression of
locking while the stud cam has not locked onto the receptacle
wire. All operators of this special purpose fastener should be
trained to recognize proper stud cam locking.
- Standard receptacles The PA-3500
Line receptacles come in both single hole and strip
configurations. The strip configuration acts as a supporting
frame for the panels or removable parts to be fastened, with
continuous holes for stud engagement and rivet mounting on
3/8" centers. The strip is riveted to a support member and
the stud panel rests against the strip face having the stud
holes. The strips are aluminum alloy with a continuous rigid
stainless steel wire staked across the underside of the stud
holes. The fastened panel rests on the strip and its captive
quarter-turn studs engage the rigid wire.
Custom cut lengths of 3590 and 3595 strips may be specially
ordered. The part callout system for cut lengths assumes standard
hole spacing and location of the holes at each end at the
standard distance from the end.
* Meets the design, physical and performance
requirements of MIL-F-25173A. However, full mechanical properties
testing may not be performed on each production lot.