DP-6100 Line Pawl Latches

Manufactured in
the United States of America!
- 6170 and 6175
series Self Adjusting Spring Pawl Latches
The 6170 and the larger 6175 Series Pawl Latches use a helical
spring pawl which varies its grip length with rotation and is
capable of latching a wide range of support thickness. The sloped
pawl design also allows the operator to adjust the applied
clamping force.
Four head styles are offered in each size, and an all-stainless
knurled head latch is available in the larger size.
- 6137 Low-cost quarter turn latching
6137 Series Pawl Latches provide basic quarter-turn latching at a
low installed cost. Studs, in black acetal plastic, are available
with attractive wing, knob or slotted heads. One-step
installation consists of pushing the spring-steel pawl onto the
stud and up against the underside of the panel. One-way tabs on
the pawl maintain its position and provide secure stud retention.
The latch closes under spring tension. No spacers are needed.